Gliding Scholarship Application Criteria

gliding Scholarship Application Criteria

To qualify for a gliding scholarship, you must:

  • Be a permanent UK resident.

  • Be at least 14 years of age by the 1st of June 2025. Gliding to Solo applicants must be at least 16 years of age by the 1st of June 2025. There is no upper age limit.

  • Not hold a LAPL, NPPL, PPL, MPL, CPL or ATPL.

  • Be able to meet the BGA medical requirements (further information can be found here).

  • Be able to meet the minimum requirements for English language proficiency required by the CAA (ICAO Level 4) (further information can be found here)

  • Be a member of The Air League.

  • For Pilot Development and SLMG Conversion Scholarships, you must already be a member of a Gliding Club. 

Application Process:

  • Applications close at 11:59pm on Sunday the 30th of March 2025. 


  • You will be notified by early June 2025 of the final outcome of your application. 

  • SLMG and Pilot Development Scholarships will be undertaken at your designated club at your own pace. 

  • Gliding to Solo scholarships will be undertaken at London Gliding Club on a residential basis in August 2025.

  • Your name and scholarship awarded will be announced publicly by the Air League.

  • You can apply for as many different types of Air League scholarships (flying, gliding, drone or engineering) as you like. However, please note, you will likely not be awarded more than one scholarship or bursary per year. The selection panel reserve the right to choose the most appropriate scholarship or bursary where more than one successful application has been made. 


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