The Air League welcomes today’s announcement; the Green Paper is a step in the right direction and if implemented correctly will create a consistent and long-term industrial strategy that will help UK aerospace thrive.
The revised industrial strategy set out today sends an important signal to business that the UK Government is serious about genuine collaboration between industry and Government.Genuine partnership to create the right conditions for business to thrive is key and it is particularly encouraging that in the Green Paper the Government has chosen to highlight aerospace – and in particular the Aerospace Growth Partnership – as a flagship model for collaboration.
The Air League welcomes today’s announcement; the Green Paper is a step in the right direction and if implemented correctly will create a consistent and long-term industrial strategy that will help UK aerospace thrive in the face of increasing global competition and an adjustment to a post-Brexit world. We look forward to working with Government to help shape the strategy and we are proud of the support we are providing at a grass roots level through our Scholarships and Bursaries programme which are helping young people towards careers in aerospace and aviation.
For Press enquiries contact:
Andrew Brookes
Chief Executive
The Air League
T: (020) 7222 8463